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How we process your data

This website is powered by Jekyll, Usebasin, and is hosted on GitHub. Github, (like any hosting company) can have full insight in visitor data, like connecting IP addresses, visited pages, etc. Note that Github is not known to actively profile visitors. By using a VPN you can (try to) prevent this.

Google Analytics

This website uses may use Google Analytics. This happens only if you approve third party cookies and scripts. However, we have taken all actions we can to limit the power of Google. We have configured Google Analytics to anonymize IP addresses, use SSL at all time and we have agreed a Data Processing Amendment with Google. These measures were taken from a derective of the CBP (Dutch Institute for Privacy Protection) from March 2013 on how to legally use Google Analytics while not showing a cookie warning.


All forms on this website are handled by Usebasin. Usebasin has a mail server that mails all form contents to us. If you are uncomfortable with using this third party service, please do not fill out forms on this website.